Monday, July 28, 2008

Nursery picts

In case people wanted to see the painting we did this past winter on the nursery. =)

8 Week Baby Ultrasound

We saw the baby for the first time! Isn't (s)he cute! It appears the baby is waving at us. =) The baby was "perfect" according to the nurse, and the heart beat was 166 bps which is really good. I was a little bummed to find out we won't know the gender until the 20 week appointment, but most of all I'm just happy we are having ONE (yes, one is plenty, thank you very much!) healthy baby.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Morning Sickness

Well, today was the first time I threw up since I've been pregnant. I'm 7.5 weeks along, and have been queasy most mornings from around 9 am to 5 pm (convenient, right?). The height of morning sickness is around 9 weeks, so something to look forward to. =) I actually feel a lot better now, the queasiness has subsided (for now). It's also reassuring that everything is going well with baby since the symptoms are getting worse. I can't wait for our first ultrasound, only 5 days away! I know when I see our little bunny on screen with a strong heartbeat, it will be all I need to get through the next few months.

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