Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Remembering Gabriel

Today I remember our first baby, Gabriel David Erickson, who would have been one year old today. It is always with mixed feelings that I celebrate my birthday, knowing that a special little one in Heaven was also supposed to share it with me. I told the Lord earlier this year that all I wanted for my golden birthday (today) was a healthy baby and He granted my wish. As I sit hear and marvel at the beautiful life within me, I also think of how life would be so much different if Gabe had survived. I don't yet know what we will name our baby, but I especially like the meaning behind Zachary Gabriel. Zachary means "the Lord remembered" and Gabriel would be a tribute to his brother in Heaven. Together, it also means "The Lord remembered Gabriel" (and gave us another son).

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Nursery is Completed!

Today I put the finishing touches on the nursery. Special thanks to mom and Luke for all your help in decorating, sewing, painting, carpentry work, etc. It was a lot of work, but I think it paid off in a big way! I can't wait for our baby to enjoy this!

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