It's so hard to believe, but baby Seth could be in our arms in as short as 3 weeks from now! His official due date is less than 6 weeks away, and the time has just gone so fast. Some people say towards the end of pregnancy things slow down, but the opposite is true for me...though I do feel like I've been pregnant forever, at the same time I wonder how I will be able to cope with the upcoming events - labor and delivery, nursing, and taking care of a newborn. I have been blessed to have three baby showers - one from my family, one from my work, and one from my church. I got so many wonderful things to fill up the baby's nursery it is incredible. I'm now officially "nesting" and gathering up all of the things that he still needs, and hope to purchase them by nights end...then this weekend I will spend some time washing baby clothes and such and packing our hospital bags. I would rather be over prepared, then to not have anything ready when the time comes. As I read in a blog a week ago, I could go anytime now, though babies usually stay in their comfy home until around the due date. We had a friend that just gave birth at 33 weeks, and I'm at 34 weeks, so the reality does hit that it could be sooner than we expect. I'm really looking forward to the epidural after watching some of the birthing videos...I honestly can't see how people would go (or even want to go) 100% natural. No, thanks! I did a recent survey on yahoo answers posing the question what their pain level was with an epi, and all but two said a zero.
Updates on me - physically baby does feel like a huge watermelon, which is how big he is this week. He's weighing in around 5lbs, possibly more. I'm surprisingly comfortable, and haven't been overly tired however. Luke has commented more than once recently when looking at my prepregnancy photos that I was so super skinny before getting pregnant. Not that I'm fat now, but pregnancy does tend to make you look like a huge whale...large belly, face fattens up, and now I can't remove one of my rings...the great thing, though, is that within a few weeks of birth I should have my body back.
Updates on baby - He's definitely got a personality, he loves music, especially Pillar. His favorite song is "reckless youth" and if I'm ever concerned that he's not moving around like he should I'll put it on and in a matter of moments he'll start bouncing around, even if he was asleep. I can also feel more body parts, it was cool the other day we could feel his leg, where the knee was and everything. He's still transverse and mighty comfy that way, I'm just hoping he'll turn into the proper position in the next two weeks. If he doesn't, I will possibly have to have a c-section. We'll see, though.
That's pretty much what is new, at this point it's a nesting and waiting game...I have 24 days left of work (less if he comes early) and then he should be here!