Wednesday, September 24, 2008


It's official! Today were my first "real" baby kicks! Once I started feeling it, I've been feeling it on and off today. My new nickname for the baby is "squirrely baby". It all started around 8:30 this morning when I sat down at work to start my day. All of a sudden I felt, slosh, kick, slosh, kick! Like a little goldfish swimming around in my tummy that kicked ocassionally. It's pretty cool. From what the doctor told me what I had previously felt at around 10 weeks was gas (I could feel it better because everything gets pushed more to the surface with a growing baby). This is definitely baby, though! I did hear that once you feel it, it doesn't go away, that you feel the little wiggles throughout the day, though the baby seems most active after I eat a snack or drink some water.


TXdanielly said...

Kade & Tara were active after mama drank orange juice!


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