Friday, October 24, 2008

It's a Boy!

Sorry about the delay in posting, I was pretty exhausted after all of the running around we did yesterday. I will post picts later, but it is a boy! My mommy instincts were right! I was asking the ultrasonographer about something on the screen and referred to "is that his.." and she said, "Have you been calling it a him the whole time?" I said "yes" and she said "well, you are right!" Baby was sleeping at the appointment (he was up at around 9 am and the appt was at 10)and had his little legs crossed. The nurse had to prod the area to get him to kick and show his goods. =) She said he was a perfect baby, and I was really happy to hear that. The picts aren't the traditional profile shots as baby was facing the camera the whole time, but we luckily got to video the whole thing so we can replay those moments. He kicked a little bit (when she was poking) and also opened and closed his mouth a few times (that was Luke's favorite part).


Terry Paulsen said...

Grammie is proud!

Terry Paulsen said...

Wonder what they'll say this time around!


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