Friday, June 19, 2009

I Love Garage Sales!

I just love garage saleing! There is nothing like the thrill of paying next to nothing for nice things. $100 spent at a garage sale is like $1000 spent at regular stores. So, though I have said countless times "I'm done garage saleing for the year", I'm so glad that I didn't give it up! Yesterday, on a whim, I asked Amber if she wanted to do a little saleing as the weather was beautiful (though a bit hot). We passed by a few sales that didn't look like they had much to offer, but at the last two we struck gold! I found a puppet theater for $5 that was still new in the package, I looked it up online and the seller had originally paid $110! After that sale, I found the rest of the little people sets I was looking for (Noah's Ark and the Castle), so now I'm set! I would have to say this beautiful theater is exactly what I was looking for and for me is the ultimate garage sale find of 2009.


Nicole Feliciano said...

And they are so green. Toys go to good homes not the landfill. Congrats on the thrifty find.


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