Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy New Year!

Hi, to all my faithful blog readers who did not abandon the blog due to inactivity. Hopefully this post will be a pleasant surprise! Well, Seth just turned 10 months and is growing like a weed. He is now pulling up on everything, and crawling around. One of his favorite things to do is to open and close doors repeatedly as well as take all of the toys and books off of the shelves. I'm trying to teach him to put them back on, but to no avail...I did have him "help" me clean his room before bed today and it made me feel really good. I'm starting a better routine with him now - up at 7am, nap at 10-12 (or 1), then another attempt at a nap at 2ish (though I haven't been successful the past few days) and down to bed at 6:30. This gives me an hour to clean, cook, facebook, etc before the hubby comes home. I hope you are all having a great new year!


Terry Paulsen said...

I'm so glad you decided to continue blogging about this most precious baby boy!!!

athletic dietitian said...

haha...cute pics. luv the first one esp. looks like he's just getting started - better watch out for that young man-on-the-move! the best is yet to


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