Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Anxiously awaiting baby!

One week and four days left to my due date, and I'm sincerely hoping baby will be here early. I just got over a week of the nastiest flu ever and am ready to take the next step into motherhood! Baby teased us on Sunday as I was having many contractions, but it was false labor. What a bummer! I'm currently still only a fingertip dialated and 60% effaced. I forgot to ask the doc what head station baby is in, as a week ago he was a -2, but I can tell he's a lot lower now. I have a very hard time moving around now as he is so low, and it is beginning to get uncomfortable to even sit in a chair, or on a couch...or just about anything.

There are bets flying on when this baby will arrive - Luke's work even has a pool going on now. My bet is still that I'll give birth on Fri, and Luke was betting on today so we'll see what happens. I so want a February baby!

I normally wouldn't mind a week off to enjoy the last few moments of "alone time" I'll get in many years, but with how uncomfortable I am, there is not much I can do that would be productive. I'm ready to be done with all of this so I can shower baby with kisses and change poopy diapers. If baby is still incubating this weekend I hope to finally finish cleaning house, but I'd rather have a messy house and a happy baby in my arms, then a clean house and still be waiting...and waiting... Lord willing, my next post will be a birth announcement!


Terry Paulsen said...

An early March baby would be fabulous too!

athletic dietitian said...

ahhh!!! I'm SO excited for you guys! =)


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