Seth was born at 1:35am on March 2nd, 2009. His whole birth was another answer to prayer, God came through in every way for this baby! I had false labor the week prior and on Sunday felt many of the same type of contractions. At 2pm I had the "bloody show" which usually indicates that labor is hours to days away. At that point contractions started getting stronger, but they weren't very consistent. By 9pm, the contractions were about 3-5 minutes apart and lasting about a minute. I figured I was in enough pain that we needed to call the doctor to see if I had dialated to 4cm so I could get the epidural. The doctor was skeptical but said we could head over to the hospital. When I got there I told the receptionists that I thought I was in labor. They exchanged glances and asked if I was a first time mom. I said yes and they exchange more glances and said they would check me out. When the nurse checked me out she exclaimed that I was almost fully dialated. I was shocked. I was at 8cm and they admitted me right away. From the birth DVDs that we watched I knew that "transition" was from 7-10cm and was a very short time, about an hour out of your life as they put it. The pain at that point was a 7 out of 10 and was tolerable so I figured why get an epidural if I was almost done anyway. I soaked in the hot tub for an hour, used the birthing ball, and quickly dialated. I started pushing shortly after 1am and they had to call the doctor and oncall doc right away because the baby was coming so fast. The doctor arrived just in time and Seth was born after about 25 mins of pushing. He was a healthy baby with a good set of lungs. I am so thankful that the birth experience was not the horror I was expecting and I have greatly enjoyed the past two weeks with our new baby boy. I'll keep everyone updated as I have time, but just wanted to share his birth story while it was still fresh in my mind.
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