Wednesday, August 27, 2008

12 week checkup

Well, we went in on Monday for the 12 week checkup. It went really well, and we got to hear the baby's heartbeat with a Doppler! It was really cool. It was like "whoosh, whoosh, whoosh". It measured at 152 bpm which is right on track. The doc said "there's definitely a little person in there!". I scheduled my 20 week ultrasound for October 23rd, I can't wait! I still feel like it's a boy, but I would be more than happy with a girl as well. I'm just thankful this baby is strong and healthy! The doctor said the loss rate at this point is only 1%. They also gave me Zofran last Friday to stop the vomiting, and it literally is a miracle pill. I just wish I had asked for it sooner! The insurance company would only cover 12 pills, though, as it's so expensive, but I've been cutting them in half to make it go further and it still does the trick. The doc thinks I should get off it at the end of the week, because the placenta should take over by then and my hormones should start becoming more regulated.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

New ticker

I thought this was a cute ticker, a way to peak at our little bean growing. Hard to believe how much baby has grown. I have been very ill this week and have thrown up everyday. I'm not complaining though, just means baby is still healthy. I can't wait for this trimester to be over, though, so I can feel better again and regain my energy.

Babies in Bunnyland | Desenvolvido por EMPORIUM DIGITAL